Thursday, July 4, 2024

Pouch Spotting: New Youtube Discussion!

Okay, it was two years ago, but it's new to me! 

Not sure how everybody has been, but the last few years of my life included A NUMBER OF SERIOUS SETBACKS! That's all behind me now, though, stuffed into a metaphorical pouch, filed away for some future review, but out of the way for now!  

On to the YouTube!:

This is the sweet image the 'Tuber (that's what I'm callin' 'em now) DaysWithDan ( illustrated while discussing our favorite character! Check it out now!

One really good point he brings up is that the Pouch can be seen as Rob making something positive out of a pile of negativity aimed at him. That's a make lemonade outta lemons situation if I've ever heard one!

Well, hopefully this gut sells prints, because this is a great image!

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